Awakening the healer within you is acknowledging who you are first. You cannot know your true self if you continue to shy away from your true self by living a life that is not yours to, begin with, sometimes people make the mistake of living life based on an illusion of who they think they are and not who they are because they are afraid of connecting deeply with the utmost part of their being. When we live our lives disconnected from who we truly are we will never be able to connect with our power, we will never be able to unleash and awaken the healer within us, we are medicine to earth and we must see ourselves as that. Everything that happens in life, happens within us. Fear, pain, anxiety, love, joy, happiness etc. Awakening the Healer within is not all rosy, it is rugged and tattered, but in the end of it all, there is beauty once you realise how empowering it is.
We are here to help you through your journey .
Awaken the Healer within

About Deepika Thakur
She is the founder of Awaken Healers.
Awaken healers facilitates the union of the seeker and the Guru.
Those who are in the path of enlightenment and the ones who show us the entrance to that path and guide us throughout until we become the Guru/Master of ourselves. It is a minute initiative to enhance the bliss, the eternal sunshine within all of us.
Ever since her childhood, she felt connected to the stars, planets and the undivided cosmos around in a very indeterminate way. She could eternally sense more than others, the misery, sufferings, happiness of others around vibrated with her energy as if they were her own. This energy only strengthened with time. She often wondered & questioned this belief of her's thinking that is she the only one who feels this way or have this ability to see through an individual, the overlooked emotional needs inside him/her & empathize. This process affected each cell in her body, her energy and her character. She aimed to heal as many people as possible but that was not possible.
This all how Awaken healers started, where other healers and those who need healing can unite. Where this crushed realm of humans could be healed a little more. Where people themselves could diminish the grief of people in need, where we could make a small difference in people's life.
She's beholden for her journey and the signs of the universe which helped her to understand certain and take this step, we are all together in this, each soul will be welcomed and taken care of and we, the team of Awaken Healers welcome you all to unfold together in this union. We are here for you.